IDeA Fellows
The PCCTSDP invites pediatric critical care medicine and trauma surgery applicants from IDeA states to attend the annual retreat (see retreat dates) as IDeA Fellows. The IDeA program was established by Congress to enhance the research competitiveness of investigators from states with historically low levels of support from the NIH. Applications are open to third year fellows and junior faculty members who are interested in pursuing a research intensive career. Because the goal of the IDeA state program is to serve the unique populations of the IDeA states, only applicants who intend to remain in the IDeA state will be considered. IDeA Fellows will have the opportunity to view the PCCTSDP application process and will benefit from exposure to the National Advisory Committee and NICHD program staff. Fellows will participate in focused development sessions, led by senior PCCTSDP faculty, exploring and expanding research ideas. We anticipate three to five fellowship positions will be awarded to PCCM or pediatric trauma surgery applicants. An application to the retreat may be downloaded using the drop down menu above. Submission deadline is October 1st. Applications should be submitted electronically by email directly to